Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Titan Missile Musuem

The Titan Missle museum is located about 20 miles south of Tucson. We were able to go down into the command center and go through a simulated lauch. Sure didn't take much time to lauch one of those things. The missle that is in the silo has a window cut in it so that when the Soviet satellites pass over, they can see that there is no payload in the missle. The Titan II is the largest ballastic missle used by the US. The warhead was over 9 megatons or 9 mill tons of tnt. It could be delivered anywhere within 5500 miles in less than 30 minutes. Besides being used as a warhead delivery system, the Titan II launched the Gemini astronauts, the Viking Probe to Mars, and the Voyager into the outer solar system. Most people that the Titan II prevented a full-blown conflict between us and the Russians. If the Russians or the US launched the first warhead, the other country still had time to launch theirs so it was a no win situation. A lot of people think of the Titan Missle as a war deterant. Very interesting museum and well worth the visit.

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