was $2 total for both of us. In 1822 Lieutenant Col. Zachary
Taylor established and commanded the garrison. This was a
military post for 25 years. The purpose of the fort was to
establish law and order in what was known as Neutral Ground
as a result of the Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819. It is rumored
that some of the soldiers deserted the garrison to fight at the
Alamo and in other Texas independance skirmishes. We were
given a tour by one of the ladies who worked there. Our tour
guide was really great. When we arrived, she was busy helping
another lady with a quilt.
A dress with a decorated pocket. It seems that the dresses
in those days did not have pockets, so women made pockets
to wear outside of their dresses. If the woman was not married
she would decorate the pocket to draw the attention of men's
eyes. If she was married, her pockets were not decorated.
This shows the bunk arrangement that was used at the
time. There would be 4 men assigned to this bunk, two on
top bunk, and two on bottom bunk, sleeping head to toe.
During that time, most soldiers weighed between 130-140 and
averaged 5'6". And to think, most married couples think that
a regular bed is two small for two people.
This is the reconstructed officers' quarters. Inside you can
find exhibits and a gift ship.
This is the kitchen/mess hall. It is the only historic structure
remaining. You can tour the inside and see tables, cooking
items, storage bins, and iron and pewter utensils. The pillars
in front of the kitchen/mess supported the barracks. Each
barrack houses 50 men. The barracks were built upon
8' pillars.
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