music, this is the place to go. We paid $39.90 for both of
us. This package included a listening device which gave
more info on the exhibits. So much to do and see. We
toured the first floor and then had lunch at Sobo's which
was located on the bottom floor. Good lunch. David
Anderson was playing guitar in the lobby. He learned to
play when he was 2 years old. He discovered that he could
play the melody of a song by using just one string. He opened
for people such as Bruce Springsteen. Good performer. For those
who enjoy looking at items that belong to famous country
music stars, be sure to visit the travel photos link.
Emmy Lou Harris Guitar and articles clothing.
Bill Monroe's mandolin. Vandals broke in his home and
destroyed his mandolin, but they put it back together again
and he continued to use it during performances.
The banjo is made of hand-split oak and groundhog
hide. The fiddle was made in 1896. The guitar is
an 1851 Martin.
This is the back of one of many Ray Price's
suits that he performed in. How many of you
can remember the way performers used to
dress up for their performances?
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